Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Everyone made it to the top of Poon Hill (3,210m)! Trekking phase going well and nearly complete ... next stop Pokhara!

Fee Bellamy reports on receiving a brief update from expedition leader Martin: 

Wednesday: Trek going well. Only an hour to go until lunch and then the bus to Pokhara. The team have done brilliantly despite a day of what seemed like a thousand steps yesterday. Everyone made the high point at Poon Hill, though Monsoon rendered views "zero" the achievement was "100%". They have seen how wonderful the nature of the Nepali people is. Amazed at the loads they carry through the mountains, always accompanied by cheery and mischievous smiles. Su and Hari, their guides, have been stars!

Martin has been desperately trying to send us photos, but there has been no internet connection at all during the trekking phase. Please be assured that this is not unusual for Nepal - all is well - and we will post photos as soon as we receive them.

Nepali porter, often Sherpas, in Annapurna Himalayas
'The Gang' will have been roused from their beds at first light (probably 4 am) on Monday to make the climb up to Poon Hill (3,210m). As you can tell Martin was justifiably proud of the 100% effort and achievement from everyone in the group making it to the top. What a shame the cloud cover ruined the views when they reached the top. The descent on Tuesday from Poon Hill to Tirkhedhunga (1540m) was down some 3,260 stone steps! 

Today, they're making their way along the banks of the Bhurgundi River and following the trail along the river to Nayapul. Here they will board the awaiting vehicle and head to Pokhara for a well-earned rest.

Tomorrow they begin the Cultural & Educational Project phase of the expedition. 

Here are some typical sights and scenery that 'The Gang' will have enjoyed on trek.

Typical trekking terrain
The natural stone staircases - going up, up, up and then down, down, down
Nepali mother and daughter, Annapurna Himalayas

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